Beautiful Mahogany Sapele neck blanks for guitar and bass builds. Already planed to thickness (allow a few millimeters of error).The blanks are provided planed, not calibrated.Guitar dimensions: 700mmx 95-100mm x 20mmBass dimensions: 880-900mm x 100mm-110mm x 20mmOne-piece Guitar neck option: 750mm ..
Beautiful Padauk/Padouk neck blanks for guitar and bass builds. Already planed to thickness (allow a few millimeters of error).The blanks are provided planed, not calibrated.Guitar dimensions: 700mmx 95-100mm x 20mmBass dimensions: 880-900mm x 100mm-110mm x 20mmOne-piece Guitar neck option: 750mm x ..
Beautiful Pau Ferro neck blanks for guitar and bass builds. Already planed to thickness (allow a few millimeters of error).The blanks are provided planed, not calibrated.Guitar dimensions: 700mmx 95-100mm x 20mmBass dimensions: 880-900mm x 100mm-110mm x 20mmOne-piece Guitar neck option: 750mm x 70mm..
Beautiful Roasted Maple neck blanks for guitar builds. Already planed to thickness.Roasting is a technique that consists in "cooking" the wood in large ovens at temperatures of around 200 degrees in total absence of oxygen.The resulting wood is strong, dry and it will not shrink or move under any ci..
Beautiful Samba neck blanks for guitar and bass builds. Already planed to thickness (allow a few millimeters of error).The blanks are provided planed, not calibrated.Guitar dimensions: 700mmx 95-100mm x 20mmBass dimensions: 880-900mm x 100mm-110mm x 20mmOne-piece Guitar neck option: 750mm x 70mm x 7..
Beautiful Sipo neck blanks for guitar and bass builds. Already planed to thickness (allow a few millimeters of error).The blanks are provided planed, not calibrated.Guitar dimensions: 700mmx 95-100mm x 20mmBass dimensions: 880-900mm x 100mm-110mm x 20mmOne-piece Guitar neck option: 750mm x 70mm x 70..